Rock Creek Sanctuary FAQ


How do I reserve Rock Creek Sanctuary for a retreat?

Email with your desired date(s) and other relevant information.

Who operates Rock Creek Sanctuary?

Jeannie Rose (author of the associated blog) & Nate. We’ve lived in urban centers for a good chunk of our life, including DC since our children were born, and love the way they offer a chance be in proximity to neighbors of different backgrounds and some of the best of human culture. Between our day jobs keeping us busy at laptops and our little ones keeping us running around, we know the value of a haven of calm. (As elusive as it can feel between overflowing inboxes and kids spilling apple juice!) As a micro urban retreat space, we hope Rock Creek Sanctuary provides that haven for you!

Is Rock Creek Sanctuary only open to people you know?

No. Rock Creek Sanctuary is open to the public.

Do you live at Rock Creek Sanctuary?

Rock Creek Sanctuary occupies the English basement of our family home, where your hosts Jeannie Rose & Nate live with our three children. As the space shares a front and back yard with our home, our paths may cross–we’ll look forward to saying hello! Life with three kids in an old house means the pitter patter of wee feet and periodic house creaks and groans are unavoidable. We do our best to respect quiet hours in the mornings, and our children are away at school most of the day, but there will likely be some sounds of family life echoing through. If you need absolute quiet for a particular portion of your stay, please notify us in advance and we’ll do our best to make arrangements to make that possible for you. 

Why do you have a retreat space in your basement?

Long story. The short answer is we feel God’s invitation to use our space to bless others, and it brings us joy. This is a bit of an experiment/pilot project to see how much demand there is for a space of this nature and to practice hospitality, possibly in preparation for running a larger future retreat space. If you see Jeannie Rose during your visit, feel free to ask her more about it.

How long can I stay for a retreat?

We typically offer 1-2 day or overnight retreats. If you are looking for a longer retreat, please reach out and let us know. Alternately, if you are looking for lodging, we welcome you as a rental guest. See our Airbnb listing to reserve your stay.

Is there a suggested donation amount for retreat guests?

No. We are trusting God’s provision for the space, just as we trust God to use our offering of the space to bless others. We gratefully receive the joyful generosity of those moved to contribute to help us maintain the space and make it available to others, but there is no required or suggested minimum.

How do I know if I qualify as a “retreat guest” vs just renting on Airbnb?

If you’re looking for a comfortable and convenient hotel in a charming, accessible DC neighborhood, please book on Airbnb–we look forward to welcoming you as a guest in our lodging. If you’re using the space to deepen your roots, feed your soul, find rest or delight, or otherwise become more fully who you were made to be, we welcome you as a retreat guest on a donation basis. If you’re not sure, feel free to err on the side of coming as a retreat guest–we’d rather you come and hope the space affords you something you need (perhaps without even knowing it!).

What’s the caffeine situation?

Very important question in our book! We provide various ways to make coffee & a milk frother, and stock the space with tea & sundries. (There may be milk or non-dairy options on hand, but feel free to bring your preferred option to ensure you have it available.) There are also a few lovely coffee spots in the neighborhood, each about a 5-10 minute walk:

  • Elle (open til 3 PM)
  • Addis Paris (opens at 11 AM, Saturdays at 10 AM; closed Tuesday)
  • Nido Wine Shop & Market (a few seats inside for coffee/snacking; open at 12 PM, Saturdays at 10 AM; closed Sunday & Monday)

Do you have Wifi?

Yes, but if you want to try a tech-free retreat we can withhold the password.

Is there parking?

Yes, you can park in the garage (entrance is in the alley behind Newton St.) and enter through the garden (one flight of stairs up) or utilize nearby street parking, noting there is a two hour limit on weekdays in most nearby parking locations unless you have a DC Zone 1 residential permit. Let us know if you’d like us to print you one.

Are you accessible by public transit?

Yes. Several bus and metro lines are not far off.

Can I invite others into the space?

Please inform us in advance of the number of guests who will be using the space so we can ensure your comfort.

What might I do on a personal retreat?

Stay tuned for some suggested itineraries and first person stories. In the mean time, a personal retreat could include any of the following:

  • A nap – to restore your body and prepare to do some soul work
  • A walk in the nearby woods (perhaps without a phone!) – allowing yourself to notice what is around you and trusting the path to unfold 
  • Roller skating on Beach Drive – practicing being a bit silly, and being ok not knowing what you’re doing; chasing joy
  • Reading something nourishing – poetry, scripture, a spiritual book – to give you food for thought
  • A time of silent prayer meditation – to let thoughts surface and settle, allowing deeper things to light so you can be with God with whatever is true about you now
  • Journaling – so you can process whatever has come up for you
  • Writing / making art – so you can express the beauty and truth resonating with you in a form you can hold on to
  • A good meal – to feast on the goodness of God in tangible form

Where can I get a good meal during my stay? 

There are plenty of local spots that deliver – feel free to have it delivered to the upstairs porch and grab it when it comes. Or, walk to downtown Mount Pleasant or any of the many delicious spots on 11th. You can also cook in the space – basic gear provided.

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